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Physical Activity Foundation

Past Initiatives

Active Early Learning

The Physical Activity Foundation worked in partnership with four Canberra Early Childhood Centres to deliver an Active Early Learning (AEL) Program focused on training educators to deliver a daily physical literacy program by embedding activities into existing schedules and learning environments. During the twelve-week program, the first two Building Blocks of the AEL Curriculum (Gross Motor Skills and Movement Education) were addressed. 

The results from previous studies have highlighted significant improvement in children’s cognitive ability (concentration, comprehension and understanding), physical activity, emotional skills (resilience and emotional control) and socialisation skills (communication and friendships) important for children’s transition to school. Comparable results were recorded within the ACT context. 


Construction Support

In line with increased construction along major Canberra Roads since July 2022, the Physical Activity Foundation, in partnership with Transport Canberra, City Services and the Education Directorate worked together to support Canberra schools with travel planning. Specifically, a Disruption Taskforce was established to help mitigate the traffic disruptions and encourage active travel by promoting more sustainable travel options, including to and from schools. 

The Foundations key role was to develop a range of travel planning and communication resources to help guide and support schools in dealing with traffic issues. Five schools were contacted and received support and guidance from the Disruption Taskforce team.