Game On is all about moving our bodies and having fun!
It is a series of 4 Pop-up events each in 8-10 selected communities around the ACT where kids and their families can join in a range of fun, physical activities guided by professional coaches.
Game On is designed to teach kids the importance of getting 60 minutes of physical activity in their daily routines in accessible, free and fun ways for their physical and mental health.
Check out the details below and come and join in the fun.
Who can come?
These sessions are for EVERYONE who wants to have fun!
We encourage children of all ages and their families to join this initiative!
Together we can move a generation!

What does it cost?
Nothing! These events are completely free and inclusive for all!
Not only that but we’d love all our participants to grab a piece of fresh fruit at each of the sessions as well as a free cuppa on us at the Sunday Walk, Talk and Workout session.
Parents/Guardians there is also an incredible opportunity to win a TREK bike (one for each community series) by leaving us valuable feedback during or after each session.
What are the activities?
Walk, Talk, Workout: A group walk, followed by a fun and entry level workout led by Niche Power Performance
Run, Jump, Catch, Throw: Netball ACT & Basketball group activities to work on ball skills and coordination
Navigate & Agility: Capital Athletics teaching us all about the fun of navigation our bodies and athletics!
Bike Skills & Drills: We’re coming to your school! Trek Bikes & PAF will transform the school into a fun course for kids so everyone can learn something new! Bring your bike!

Where is it?
Our 2024 Event dates are locked in for the suburbs of Amaroo, Weetangera, Ainslie, Chisholm, Calwell, Evatt, Macgregor, Richardson and Hughes.
Check out our 2024 dates Here!
The Why!
Did you know:
- Only 22.1% of ACT children meet the physical activity guidelines of 60 mins activity per day (ACT Chief Health Officers Report 2022)
- Parental engagement is an important factor in kids physical activity participation and active travel (RWTS Evaluation 2018)
- Barriers to participation in sport include time, accessibility and cost (ASC, 2021)

Who Runs Game On?
Game On is an initiative run by the Physical Activity Foundation & supported by the ACT Government, offering fun, free & family friendly physical activity for children of all ages, located conveniently in a suburb near you!